The GE 12AX7: The Most Underrated Tube of All Time
Did you know the GE 12AX7 was a key player in some of the earliest Fender tweed amps, continuing well into the 1970s? While RCA tubes dominated from 1960 to 1965, GE tubes were a staple both before and after that period during Fender’s most iconic eras.
Preamp vs. Power Amp Tubes, What’s the Diff?
Your amp is an orchestra, and preamp and power amp tubes are its star soloists. Each plays a distinct role shaping your tone like a sculptor.
Vintage Vacuum Tube Handling: Debunking the Glove Myth
Despite what you may have heard, the oil from your fingers will not damage the glass of a vacuum tube or affect its performance.
How to Pick the Best 12AT7 Tube for Your Amplifier
Discover the secrets to selecting the perfect 12AT7 vacuum tube for your amp in this guide, and unlock the full potential of your amp!
Why are Vacuum Tubes Also Called Valves?
In the world of electronics, vacuum tubes have been an integral part of many inventions. They are also commonly known as valves due to their role in regulating and controlling electricity.
Valves act like valves on a pipe, allowing electrons to flow through them at different rates while maintaining control over the current. Just like a valve can be used to regulate water pressure or temperature, electronic valves can be used to modify signals within circuits and components.
How to Identify Fake Tubes
It doesn’t happen often, but this week we got burned on same fake tubes (Mullard)! Our loos is your gain as we take a look at surefire ways to i.d. fakes in the marketplace.
Are Vintage Tubes Really Better?
New vs. Vintage tubes — at Fuzz Audio, our opinion is simple: Modern tubes suck. Read more to find out why vintage tubes are the best choice!
Best Stereo Tubes for Any Setup
Here is Fuzz Audio’s list of the best stereo tubes money can buy to help you easily improve the quality of your home stereo’s tone.
When Should You Replace Your Vacuum Tubes?
Because your amplifier is so valve dependent, there are many reasons why replacing your tubes might be necessary to keep your amplifier functioning as it should.